give alot of health via beetle/applebaum/misstress of mixtures. Necrium vial is versatile can give you more jades from swarmer/aya/raptor,steal minions with sylvannas. Sonya just generates tons of jade escpially combined with valeera. can win vs big priest with saps, or stealing minions with sylvannas.Ĭan really kill control(ive got up to 22/22 golems before and beaten reno locks guldan with it as i simply had to many big minions for them) coldight is great for milling slow decks like reno mage/lock doesnt put you in fatigue earlier. Is my current jade rogue list, it does alright vs aggro with misstres/beetle with swarmer and applebaum. # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone but if youre looking for easy ranking or anything its not the way to go.ĪAEBAaIHCLkN4KwC3K8ClL0CgNMCz+EC2+MC7PwCC7QBzQP4B8sWz7wC+b0C+r0C3sQC6uYCxfMCzowDAA= Jade rogue no matter version never has been good enough for something like viscous syndicate, but its a fun deck and can do quite well. Trolling No trolling, no baiting, no being a general inconvenience to other users.Do not reveal any information about that individual. User’s Right to Privacy Do not reveal the BattleTags of other users without permission.Witch Hunting A witch hunt is calling someone out and / or calling to action against them.Reposting If your post was made before, do not post it again to check if it was, use the search function.Ĭross-posting from another sub related to this one such as /r/Hearthstone is allowed if it is also related to wild.If showing a conversation, names must be censored, Memes are not allowed, except during the Meme Mondays event. All images submitted must be related to wild in some way. Copypasta is allowed if related to the discussion. One liner jokes are not allowed, twitch emotes are to a certain extent. Low Effort Content Posting your own content is allowed as long as it's related to wild and you have participated in discussion related to wild.Relevance If it does not apply to the Wild format of Hearthstone, a post is not relevant and will be removed.Decklists If you’re making a post about a deck and claiming it’s competitive, provide a copy of your decklist, stats, proof of those stats, and a brief description of the deck.Golden Rule Be civil, show respect to other Redditors.Latest Patch: View the most recent patches.Latest VS Wild Report: Link to the latest VS Wild Report.Discord: Come and join the /r/Wildhearthstone Discord.
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